What a Year


Well what a year; we always knew that 2014 was going to be a different year from any we had experienced before. We knew we would be travelling throughout Europe but other than the small amount of info we had garnered from travel magazines and from the internet we didn’t really know what was before us.

Our “About” page on this blog says that we want to achieve the following three things:

We hope to grow together as a family.

We hope to grow closer to God.

We want to see the big world that GOD has given us and expand our minds.


And we have definitely achieved these.

The five of us have been squeezed into a motorhome that has a living space, kitchen, bathroom, the girls’ bedroom and our car in an area that is smaller than most lounge rooms, so physically we have definitely been forced closer. We have spent just about every waking, as well as every sleeping moment, within 7 metres of each other so we have been close.

But the experiences and the challenges we have had have impacted us all and have forced us to not only work together but also has caused us to come closer. I hope and pray that this continues when we are in Australia.

Every day we have woken up not really knowing what the day would bring. There has been a huge potential for drama and this has forced us to rely on God more which I think is a good thing. God’s amazing creation has also drawn us to Him and caused us to praise Him on many occasions.

Many of our misconceptions have been challenged and we have seen many things that we did not expect. We have experienced many, many different things which have raised many emotions.

So to sum up our year we have had a fantastic year, we have seen many amazing sights. Of course the History of the buildings we have seen is nothing like what we have in Australia. We have also had a year that has had many challenges that we did not foresee – I was amazed at how hard it has sometimes been (I am sure everyone feels sorry for me). But I have also been amazed at some of the things we have done and seen.

God has been very good to us and we have stayed safe and have not had anywhere near the problems we could have had.

As we drive we usually listen to music so we have listened to lots of music. This has contributed to our life becoming a big cheesy musical with people breaking into song all over the place – I just wish everyone would, “Let it go. Let it go; get this song out of my head.”

So after a great year we are now close to heading back to Australia. This of course comes with mixed emotions. We are of course keen to get back to Australia but we have also had a great year and we will miss the time we have spent together and the amazing things we encountered each day.

We really thank God for this year and I am sure it will impact us for years to come and I thank my family for another incredible family adventure.

2 thoughts on “What a Year

  1. followed you blog for several months and enjoyed it immensely. What an incredible adventure to take the whole family on, thanks for sharing it. Safe journey back to Aus

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